Be Queeny History

Be Queeny was born with one sole mission: to create exclusivity for everyone.
We make capsule collections; a very limited amount of bikinis to provide exclusivity and quality. Once a collection is over, you will not find that bikini again. All the bikinis are sustainably, hand-made in Italy with the best materials in all of Europe, allowing maximum comfort and wearability. Don’t be surprised if your Be Queeny will last you years.

After trying a variety of brands in the swimwear industry, as women, we struggled to feel powerful in our own skin. All the swimwear market provided at the time was limited wearability, poor quality and a lack of innovation. As creators, we felt like this needed a change. Hand-made in Italy, Be Queeny started from scratch yet always prioritized the best materials.

 As feeling exclusive was our main concern, we decided that a tailor-made service was the best solution for a broken industry. Our brand started off  by working one on one with diverse women to create the perfect bikini. Tailoring is at the core of Be Queeny and that’s why we still offer it today. We make swimwear based off your body type. Not anyone else’s. Yours!
With private sessions with our design team in Italy, you will feel the exclusivity you have always been looking for.